• Bradford: 01274 452000

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Catalogue Auction info

Bike Retailer Stocks, Warehouse Racking and Support Assets(#1832)
28/11/2019 12:00 AM GMT - 05/12/2019 1:19 PM GMT
Starts Ending From: 05/12/2019 11:53 AM GMT

Lot 1 of 314: 40 Bays of Disassembled REDIRACK Racking with Steel Shelving for 5,000sq ft Warehouse Comprising 6 x Frames SD17 5400 x 900, 6 x Frames SD17 5400 x 1100, 12 x Frames SD17 6600 x 1200, 12 x Frames SD17 6600 x 1400, 12 x Frames SD17 7200 x 1400, 453 x Beams 2700 x 50x50x3.2 Corus, 197 x Beams 2700 x 76/1.78, 142 x Drop-over galvanised steel panels 300 x 900 Standard duty, 250 x Drop-over galvanised steel panels 450 x 900 Heavy duty, 244 x Drop-over galvanised steel panels 450 x 1100 Heavy duty, 50

Click image to enlarge
Lot closed - unsold

Bike Retailer Stocks, Warehouse Racking and Support Assets(#1832)  
28/11/2019 12:00 AM GMT - 05/12/2019 1:19 PM GMT  CLOSED 
Starts Ending From: 05/12/2019 11:53 AM GMT